Saturday, October 18, 2008

Day 28 - 10/18/08

Today's visit went well. She was a bit bored at first, we didn't bring the laptop this time, and she wasn't really interested in the stuff we brought. We started playing hide and seek, which she seem to enjoy. For the first time, she really started playing with Ryan and Evan. There was running, laughing, and wrestling. It's a glimpse of what our house will be when we get home. We brought Kinder Surprise eggs, which she knew exactly what they were. She kept saying 'Kinder Surprise. Ryan, Evan, and her started working together to put the toys together which was good to see. Also, for the first time, she really started to try to speak English. All of sudden she started copying our speech. It's a start.

The boys cold/allergy problems seem to be getting a bit better. Ryan has been taking Claritin which seems to help. He's not using his asthma inhaler quite as much. We still may run out have to try to get another inhaler in Donetsk or Kiev.

We met the 3 Italian families who are adopting in the area that are staying at the hotel. Two of them are adopting in the same school as we are from same group as our child. We've seen one of them there and actually thought he was the boy's father. They look alike. We're having dinner with all of them tonight at the hotel.

1 comment:

adopting2fromUkraine said...

Mimicking your speech is the first sign she's trying to learn to speak English. It's a good thing:)
