Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Days 23 & 24

It seems we're getting close to our court date. Our facilitator has returned this morning and is now off negotiating with the judge. He's hoping that it will be next Tuesday. It can't be too soon for us.

The visits are going okay. She's always glad to see us. Yesterday she walked us out to our car when we were leaving and we were worried that we were going to have a repeat performance from a couple of days ago but she opened the doors for us and waved good-bye. We've been playing card games. She seems to pick up on the concept of the games pretty easily and is usually winning, even without us letting her win. The language barrier is really tough. It's so hard to communicate but we'll keep working on it. She doesn't seem to have a great desire to learn English. We have the 'First Thousand Words in Russian' book that we're using to go over words with her. Part of the problem is that she doesn't really read in Russian yet. Even though she's 8, she had practically no education and her previous orphanage and is now in the first grade just learning the basics. It seems like it would a bit easier if she already read some Russian. Since she's not, we're going over numbers, time, colors, etc.


adopting2fromUkraine said...

Since she doesn't read Russian yet, she might convert over to English rather easily. Our daughter is 12 and she could read very well. She compares the sounds in Russian to English. She gets very frustrated when English just doesn't make sense, which is most of the time! lol

BTW - I heard you are hanging around with a friend of a friend, Heather S:)


... said...

Hey Parker Family! Did the link come through for the verbal translations?